When you’re considering an investment like an electric tow tug, you want to be sure you’ll see a return. Any piece of machinery will only be worthwhile if the initial cost and upkeep are justified by how often it’s used. If you’re already contemplating these questions before you make a purchase, then you’re in the right headspace! You’ve likely already read all the typical benefits of tow tugs and different models, but that doesn’t answer everything. Will an electric tow tug improve productivity at work? It’s a sensible question to ask. We’ll explore that idea here.
Reasons An Electric Tow Tug Boosts Productivity:
Heavy Stock Is Moved Faster
If you run a warehouse, you’ll know that safely shifting stock to and from lorries can be one of the most lengthy tasks in the day. With an electric tow tug, you can reduce the amount of time you’d need to spend going back and forth with a platform truck. Heavy tow tugs can manage 30,000kg and upwards weights, while small to medium options start at a 2000kg limit. No matter the weight of your load, you’ll be able to secure a tow tug to manage all of your cargo at one time.
Only One Operator Required
Operating a tow tug requires one employee, so the rest of your team is available for other operations. Where guiding platform trucks and monitoring forklifts may take a group of two or three at a time, that isn’t necessary with a tow tug. You’ll have more employees free to work on new projects or other departments! Your one tow tug operator will also have plenty to complete without people competing for their tasks, so their productivity will be high.
Safety Training Is Necessary
Factory workers often work a shift with a routine, which can be unchallenging. Investing in a new machine allows your staff to receive electric tow tug training and increase their knowledge in your industry. With new tasks and new responsibilities, your workers need to pay more attention during their job! More attentive workers are more productive, and the new tow tug management challenges will also encourage problem-solving.
Circumstances A Tow Tug Mightn’t Improve:
Long Journeys With Stock
Any tow tug is built to manage your stock between short distances. A standing operator guides the path your equipment will take and remains on foot to complete the job. Suppose you need your inventory to travel across public roads and areas with traffic. In that case, a tow tug isn’t appropriate or safe enough. You’ll have to make the journey with a road vehicle and a trailer. Should you be able to quickly load a lorry without having to manage a single heavy load, an electric tow tug isn’t necessary for you.
Transporting Very Bulky Products
One of the most significant benefits of an electric tow tug is its manoeuvrability. You can’t appreciate that if your loads are too bulky to fit around tight corners. While tow tugs can manage weighty loads, they’re best suited to transporting compact goods. If most of your transportation takes place in open space, a standard car and trailer may suit your needs better. Without the demands of an unusually shaped workspace, an electric tow tug isn’t the most worthwhile investment.
The Conclusion On Tow Tugs
In most circumstances, an electric tow tug will improve the productivity of your work. You can rest assured there’ll be a model to suit the amount of weight you need transporting around your factory or your warehouse! It’s worth keeping in mind that the most significant benefits of electric tow tugs are their compact build and manoeuvrability. If your workplace is tight on space, you’ll easily be able to store this piece of equipment. No matter how tight the corners are between your shelves, your tow tug will handle them with grace.
To learn more about what tow tugs could do for your business, contact us at Industar.